Friday, 3 April 2020


*DAY #06          01.04.2020*



*The sum total of all the factor incomes, earned by the normal residents of a country.
*Includes only factor Incomes.
*It includes income earned by Public Sector.
*Person is important

*It is territorial concept as it includes the value of final goods and services produced within the domestic territory of a country.
*It considers all producers within the domestic territory of the country.
*It does not include NFYA.
*Place is important.

There are 8 National Income related aggregates –
1. Gross Domestic Product at market price (GDP mp)
2. Gross National Product at market price (GNP mp)
3. Net Domestic Product at market price (NDP mp)
4. Net National Product at market price (NNP mp)
5. Gross Domestic Product at factor cost (GDP fc)
6. Gross National Product at Factor cost (GNP fc)
7. Net Domestic Product at factor cost (NDP fc)
8. Net National Product at factor cost (NNP fc)

1. Gross Domestic Product at Market Price (GDPmp): Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total market value of all final goods and services currently produced within the domestic territory of a country in a year. Four things must be noted regarding this definition.
First, it measures the market value of annual output of goods and services currently produced. This implies that GDP is a monetary measure.
          Secondly, for calculating GDP accurately, all goods and services produced in any given year must be counted only once so as to avoid double counting. So, GDP should include the value of only final goods and services and ignores the transactions involving intermediate goods.
          Thirdly, GDP includes only currently produced goods and services in a year. Market transactions involving goods produced in the previous periods such as old houses, old cars, factories built earlier are not included in GDP of the current year.
          Lastly, GDP refers to the value of goods and services produced within the domestic territory of a country by nationals or non-nationals.

2. Gross National Product at Market Price (GNPmp): Gross National Product is the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a year. GNP includes net factor income from abroad whereas GDP does not. Therefore, Net factor income from abroad = factor income received by Indian nationals from abroad – factor income paid to foreign nationals working in India.
GNPmp = GDPmp + Net factor income from abroad.

3. Net Domestic Product at Market Price (NDPmp) – Net Domestic Product at market price refers to net market value of all the final goods and services produced within the domestic territory of a country during a period of one year.
NDPmp = GDPmp - Depreciation.
NDPmp = GNPmp – Depreciation  + Net factor Income from Abroad.

4. Net National Product at Market Price (NNPmp): NNP is the market value of all final goods and services after providing for depreciation. That is, when charges for depreciation are deducted from the GNPmp we get NNPmp at market price. Therefore’
NNPmp = GDPmp – Depreciation + Net Factor Income from Abroad.
NNPmp = GNPmp – Depreciation
NNPmp = NDPmp + net Factor Income from Abroad.

5. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost (GDPfc) - GDP at factor cost is gross domestic product at market price less net indirect taxes. GDP at factor cost measures money value of output produced within the domestic boundaries of a country in a year, as received by the factors of production.
GDPfc = GDPmp - Net indirect taxes or
 GDPfc = GNPmp – Net Indirect Taxes - NFIA
GDPfc = NDPmp + Depreciation - Net indirect taxes
 GDPfc = NNPmp + Depreciation - NFIA – Net Indirect Taxes

6. Gross National Product at Factor Cost (GNPfc) - GNP at factor cost is gross domestic product at market prices less net indirect taxes plus NFIA. GNP at factor cost measures money value output received by the factors of production belonging to a country in a year.
GNPfc = GDPmp + Net factor Income from Abroad – Net Indirect Taxes
GNPfc = GNPmp – Net Indirect Taxes
GNPfc = NDPmp + Depreciation + Net Factor Income from Abroad - Net indirect taxes
 GNPfc = NNPmp + Depreciation – Net Indirect Taxes

7. Net Domestic Product at Factor Cost (NDP fc) -  Net Domestic Product at factor cost refers to net money value of all the goods and services produced within the domestic territory of a country during a period of one year.
NDPfc = GDPmp – Depreciation – Net Indirect Taxes
NDPfc = GNPmp – Depreciation - Net factor Income from Abroad - Net Indirect Taxes
NDPfc = NDPmp - Net indirect taxes
NDPfc = NNPmp - Net factor Income from Abroad – Net Indirect Taxes
NDPfc = GDPfc – Depreciation
NDPfc = GNPfc – Depreciation – Net Factor Income from Abroad

8. Net National Product at Factor Cost (NNPfc - National Income)NNP at factor cost or National Income is the sum of wages, rent, interest and profits paid to factors for their contribution to the production of goods and services in a year. It may be noted that:
NNPfc = GDPmp – Depreciation  + Net Factor Income from Abroad – Net Indirect Taxes
NNPfc = GNPmp – Depreciation - Net Indirect Taxes
NNPfc = NDPmp + Net Factor Income from Abroad - Net indirect taxes
NNPfc = NNPmp – Net Indirect Taxes
NNPfc = GDPfc – Depreciation+ Net Factor Income From Abroad
NNPfc = GNPfc – Depreciation
NNPfc = NDPfc + Net Factor Income from Abroad.

National income and related aggregates: are basically measures of production activity. There are two categories of national income aggregates: domestic income and national income. or domestic product and national product.
DOMESTIC PRODUCT Domestic product Includes production activity of the production units located in the economic territory Irrespective of whether tamed out by the residents or non residents.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Net Domestic Product (NDP) are some examples.
Illustrative example: How Will you treat the following while estimating domestic product (or domestic factor income) of India?
(i) Rent received by an Indian resident From his property in Singapore
(ii) Salaries received by Indian residents working in Russian embassy in India
(iii) Profits earned by a foreign company or a foreign bank in India
(iv) Salaries paid to Koreans working in Indian embassy in Korea
(v) Compensation of employees to the resident of Japan working in Indian embassy in Japan
(vi) Profits med by a branch of Slate Bank of India in Japan
 (I) No, it will not be included in domestic factor income of India because this income is earned outside domestic territory (economic territory) of India. It is factor income hum abroad.
(ii) No, it will not be included in domestic factor income of India because Russian embassy in India is not a part of domestic territory of India. So, this income is not earned within the dam territory of India. It is factor income from abroad
 (iii) Yes, it will be included in domestic factor income of India because the foreign company or the foreign bank is located within the domestic territory of India. So, it is an income earned within the domestic territory of India
(iv) Yes, it will be included in domestic factor income of India because this income is earned within the domestic territory of India. Indian embassy in Korea is a part of the domestic territory of India.
(v) Yes, it will be Included as It is part at factor income earned in domestic territory of India, though earned by non-resident.
(vi) No, as profits are not earned within the domestic territory of India. It is factor income from abroad
NATIONAL PRODUCT - National product Includes production activities of residents irrespective of whether performed within the economic territory or outside it.
Gross National Product (GNP). Net National Product (NNP) are some examples.
Illustrative example: Will the following be included in Gross National Product (GNP)? Give reasons.
(i) Profits earned by a foreign company or a foreign bank in India
(ii) Salary paid to Americans working in Indian Embassy in America
(iii) Salaries received by Indian residents working in Russian Embassy in India
(iv) Dividend received by an Indian from his investment in share of a foreign company
Answers: (I) No, because it is a facial income earned by a non-resident (a foreign company or a foreign bank) from its contribution to production inside the domestic territory of India i.e., factor income paid to abroad.
(ii) No. because this Factor income is paid no non-residents i.e., factor income to abroad.
(iii) Yes, because it is a factor income earned by Indian residents outside the domestic territory of India i.e., factor income from abroad.
(iv) Yes, because it is a factor income earned by a resident From outside the domestic territory of India. i.e., factor income from abroad.

Video #10
Basic concepts of National Income - relation between various Aggregates

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Dr. Asad Ahmad
KV IIM, Lucknow
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