Tuesday, 17 January 2017

UNIT I - Introduction to Economics


Introduction to Economics

The problem of choice arises because of scarcity.  And this is the main focal point of study in economics.
Economic Problem refers to the problem of choice arising from the use of limited means to the satisfaction of various ends.
Why does an economic problem arise?
An economic problem arises primarily due to scarcity of resources.
The main causes of economic problems are as follows :-
1.         Human wants are unlimited.
2.         Limited means.
3.         Alternative uses
Whereas means are limited they have alternative uses as well
Central or Basic Problems of An Economy Which Arise Due to Scarcity
1.      What to Produce
If refers to which goods and services will be produced and in what quantities with the limited resources i.e. consumption goods or capital goods.
2.      How to Produce
It refers to the choice of methods of production of goods & services i.e. whether labour intensive or capital intensive technique is to be adopted taking into consideration the proportion of capital and labour in an economy.
3.      For whom to Produce
It concerns with the distribution of income & wealth which refers to who earns how much or who has more assets than others.
How are fundamental problems solved in the capitalistic economy.
In a market-oriented or capitalist economy, these fundamental problems are solved by the market. There is a price, which is influenced by the market forces of demand and supply. These forces guide which goods and how much is to be produced and consumed
Production Possibility Curve And Opportunity Cost
It refers to a curve which shows the various production possibilities that can be produced with given resources and technology.
Production       Commodity     Commodity     Marginal  opportunity
Possibility                    A                      B          cost of commodity A
A                                  0                      15                    -
B                                  1                      14                    15-14= 1
C                                  2                      12                    14-12=2
D                                  3                      9                      12-9=3
E                                  4                      5                      9-5=4
F                                  5                      0                      5-0=5
If the economy devotes all its resources to the production of commodity B, it can produce 15 units but then the production of commodity A will be zero. There can be a number of production possibilities of commodity A & B. If we want to produce more commodity B, we have to reduce the output of commodity A & vise versa.
Shape of PP curve and marginal opportunity cost
1)         A Production Possibility Curve is a downward sloping curve.
In a full employment economy, more of one goods can be obtained only by giving up the production of another goods. It is not possible to increase the production of both of them with the given resources.
2)         The shape of the production possibility curve is concave to the origin.
The opportunity cost for a commodity is the amount of other commodity that has been forgone in order to produce the first.
The marginal opportunity cost of a particular good along the PPC is defined as the amount sacrificed of the other good per unit increase in the production of the good in question. Increasing marginal opportunity cost implies that PPC is concave.

Very Short Answer Questions (marks each)

Q1.      What is economising resources ?
Ans.     Efficient use of a available scarce resources
Q2.      Define economic activity.
Ans.     It is an activity performed with the expectation of some remuneration either in the form of cash or in kind. 
Q3.      What is micro economics?
Ans.     It is the study of the behaviour of individual economic units like determination of price, wages, income of individuals and firms.
Q4.      What is macro economics?
Ans.     It is a study of aggregates of the economy as a whole. Eg. Level of income and output.
Q5.      Why does economic problem arise?
Ans.     Economic problem arises primarily due to scarcity of resources.
Q6.      What are the central basic problems of an economy?
Ans.     a) What to produce?
            b) How to produce?
            c) For whom to produce?
Q7.      Define production possibility Curve?
Ans.     It is a curve which shows all possible combination of two which can be produced with the given resources and technology.
Q8.      What is marginal opportunity cost?
Ans.     Marginal opportunity cost of a good is the amount of the other goods scarified for the production of an additional unit of the former good.
Q9.      What is the problem of scarcity?
Ans.     Scarcity refers to the limited resources in relation to demand.
Q10.    What is an economic problem?
Ans.     Economic problem is the problem of making choice.

Short Answer Questions ( 3&4 Marks)

Q1.      Explain the central problems of an economy
Ans.     a)  What to produce?
            It refers to that what goods and services are produced and in what quantities.
            b)  How to produce?
             It refers to the choice of methods of production of goods and Services.
c)      For whom to produce?
             It refers to the distribution of income and wealth .
Q2.      Draw a PPC curve and show the following:-
a)      Growth of resources.        (b) Under utilization of resources. (c) Fuller utilization of resources.
Q3.      Explain opportunity cost with an example.
Ans.     It refers to the value of the next best activity Eg. Suppose a doctor braving private clinic in Delhi is earning Rs. 5 lakhs annually. There are two other alternatives for him.
            One:- Joining a Govt. hospital in Bangalore earning Rs. 4 lakhs annually .
            Two:- Opening a clinic in his home town in Mysore and earning 3 lakhs annually.
            The opportunity cost will be joining Govt. hospital in Bangalore.
Q4.      Distinguish between Micro Macro Economics.
1. It is the study of individual units of an economy
2. It deals with allocation of resources
3. It is also called price theory
1. It is the study of the whole economy
2. It deals with growth and development of resources
3. It is also called income theory
Q5.      What is opportunity cost? Calculate the marginal opportunity cost.
        X :  
        Y :  
Ans.     The rate of sacrifice of one good to produce another good is called Marginal opportunity cost.

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